These past days I’ve been setting up a Raspberry Pi running some services in my room. I wanted to access them from outside the house’s network but unfortunately, I don’t have access to the router.

I could have set up a VPN client into the Pi but it is running a very minimal OS to which I cannot install packages.

Fortunately, SSH has an option for Remote port forwarding which allowed me to solve this problem.

Local port forwarding

SSH Local port forwarding allows us to redirect queries from localhost:sourcePort to remotehost:onPort. It is specified in the following way:

ssh -L [bind_address:]sourcePort:remotehost:onPort gateway
  • gateway: The SSH connection will be open to that machine
  • remotehost:onPort: gateway will connect to remotehost:onPort
  • sourcePort: SSH will redirect our requests to sourcePort to remotehost:onPort through gateway
  • bind_address: It may be used to bind the connection to a specific address. For example, localhost indicates that the listening port be bound for local use only

Remote port forwarding

SSH Remote port forwarding allows us to forward all connection attempts to sourcePort to remotehost:onPort through gateway.

ssh -R [bind_address:]sourcePort:remotehost:onPort gateway

The parameters behave the same as in Local port forwarding.

There is an excellent answer in Stackoverflow [2] where the difference between local and remote port forwarding are explained.

My setup

For my particular use case, the remote Raspberry Pi (RASPBERRY PI BEHIND ROUTER) executes the following loop after booting up:

while true; do
ssh -N -o ServerAliveInterval=10 -R 2222:localhost:22 pi@RASPBERRY_PI_OPEN
done &

As you may know by now, this SSH command opens a connection to my Raspberry Pi with some ports open globally (RASPBERRY PI OPEN). The SSH command is wrapped with a while true to start a new session if it dies.

Now, from RASPBERRY PI OPEN I can open an SSH connection to RASPBERRY PI BEHIND ROUTER using the following command:

ssh -l user -p 2222 localhost -L 8000:localhost:80
SSH Remote forwarding diagram
SSH Remote forwarding diagram

Besides, I redirect with Local port forwarding the port 80 of RASPBERRY PI BEHIND ROUTER to port 8000 of RASPBERRY PI OPEN so I can access a service running on that port.

The only remaining thing is connecting from my LAPTOP. For this, I also use Local port forwarding to redirect port 8000.

ssh RASPBERRY_PI_OPEN -L 8000:localhost:8000

References 📑

